Downtown Rangeley

Home Willard Camp Hiking State Parks/Museums Other Attractions

Rangeley has a small but beautiful downtown with a lot to offer. Below are five popular downtown destinations. For a comprehensive website on the Rangeley services etc. CLICK HERE.


The Rangeley Library sits on a small knoll off a side street in downtown. It was built in 1909 out of stone and has since undergone renovation. It has books, movies etc. as well as well as one of the few public Wifi access points if your are an internet junkie like myself. Click on the picture to forward to website.


The Rangeley Inn offers a rooms, dining room, or a tavern if you just want a light meal and a drink. In addition, they have conference facilities. Click on the picture to forward to website.


The Red Onion is the most popular place in Rangeley to eat. It is a a local landmark. If you want burgers or pizza you cannot go wrong an The Red Onion. I require myself to go there everytime I go up to Rangeley. Click on the picture to forward to website.


The Rangeley Region Sport Shop is the local hunting and fishing shop. If you are a fisherman or hunter it is a must stop. They have a good selection of gear including a lot of local flies for fishing. Click on the picture to forward to website.


The Lakeside Theater is the local theater showing older as well as the latest movies. It was recently rebuilt after it burnt down. It was a fire trap and luckily no one was hurt. Click on the picture to forward to website.

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