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Hiking in the Rangeley Region is varied with access to many breathtaking mountain vistas and scenic waterfalls. Below are 4 of the more popular hikes in the region.

Hike Difficulty Distance Comments
Saddleback Mountain Difficult 5 miles The trail to the top of Saddleback Mt. is part of the Appalachian Trail. The trail passes two ponds as well as a boulder field of massive glacial erratics. The rocks form a caves which are fun to explore. The top of Saddleback is an alpine zone with awesome views of Western Maine. Web Link
Bald Mountain Easy 1 mile Bald Mt. is a relatively easy and short hike. While not bald on top, there is a fire tower with excellent views of Rangeley and Mosselookmeguntic Lake
Tumbledown Mountain Medium to Difficult Varies Tumbledown Mt. has multiple routes to the summit with varying difficulty. Also has rocky summit with multiple views. Web link
Cascade Stream Gorge Trail Easy 0.5 to 1 miles Cascade Gorge Trail follows a stream which empties into Rangeley Lake. The trail takes hikers by a long rocky gorge which includes deep pools and waterfalls.
Home Willard Camp Downtown Rangeley State Parks/Museums Other Attractions